Friday, September 22

The weekend is almost here!

So today was my early day off of work. YEAH! I have the entire weekend off...this is going to be a great weekend.
Gabe will be celebrating his birthday tomorrow, he will be the ripe ole age of 29!
So everyone help me celebrate his special day.
If I wasn't so broke we would be doing something really cool...but that will have to wait until I get paid next Thursday :)
He is fine with that...unlike me he doesn't really get into celebrating his day.
Other than that it has been a long week...thank goodness it is over. The weather here is changing (which means that it is getting colder), but that's ok...its good movie watching weather. So I want to wish everyone out there a great weekend. And seriously wish Gabe a Happy Birthday too.
Love to all my friends

The waters see
The waters saw
So this is eternity

-Jack Kerouac "Pomes all Sizes"


cyser said...

That bum let one slip by me...

Anonymous said...

happy birthday gabe!!! love ya sweets!!! (that means you, lolly!)