SO I had a meltdown...everything will be back up and running as soon as possible, thank goodness I have tomorrow off. Please be patient with me.
I hope you find time to turn off the video that auto plays when yr page comes up. There is nothing more annoying that sites that play music/videos without the user prompting them to start, and it is a sure fire way for me to never visit a site again.
Hmmm...a little about me huh?
I love to read, love to go dancing. I am currently planning a 2 month trek in Japan. I always hate doing these things cause I never know what to say. Read my blogs you'll get to know more about me that way.
I hope you find time to turn off the video that auto plays when yr page comes up. There is nothing more annoying that sites that play music/videos without the user prompting them to start, and it is a sure fire way for me to never visit a site again.
By the way what part of I am having problems with my site did you not understand moron.
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