Wednesday, February 15

What the HECK are you doing??

So I have learned many things living in Colorado. For example; Colorado is a red state, Mtns are beautiful but they don't replace the ocean, there isn't always snow, and the drivers here are terrible. Really they are some of the worst drivers I have been around. I can't beleive there aren't more accidents here. I have driven on the east coast and they may be crazy but they know some of the simple rules of driving. For example; you need to speed up when getting on the highway. When the traffic is going 80 mph, 45 just ain't going to cut it. I mean COME ON!!!!!!!!
The best is the fact that no one here seems to understand what a 4 way stop is. It really isn't that hard people. I have been cut off more times at 4 way stop then on the highway.
I know, this seems like a stupid rant, but as a commuter this is a big part of my day. It is always an ordeal getting to and from work.
So please this is a plea to all those drivers out there...look over a driving manual and learn to drive. You will make lives easier all around.
One more thing....this is Colorado...learn to drive in snow, just b/c you drive a big ass truck doesn't mean that you can drive as fast as you can in the snow.

Thank you....I am done now.

Love to all

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

No one in Muncie uses their damn turn signals. It pisses me off. Like my grandpa used to say, "What do you think they are for, decoration?"