Monday, March 27

Gonna be a nice lazy day

So I know that I haven't been posting lately. You would not want me to have posted any of the thoughts that were running through my head the past week. Not nice stuff.
But now that I have found a little inner peace I can enjoy my day off.
I am going to be lazy today, well this is my version of lazy.
I think I am going to spend the day walking around ole town with Les and just hang out.
Nothing major nor taxing to my brain.
I have needed a day like is sunny and mild out not freezing and snowing like last Monday. It is about time that Spring actually showed up...I don't want anymore surprise deep freezes. I just love walking around in downtown. There are so many cool shops and resturants, it is just a lot of fun.
So I am going to leave everyone with a wish for a great day. I love all of my friends and wish that some of them were closer.

"When you become enlightened
you will know that you've
been elightened all along."

-Jack Kerouac "Pomes All Sizes"

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