Tuesday, May 2

Who's That Over There?

Oh my gosh I can't believe that it has been that long since I last posted. My goodness where does the time go? Oh yeah sleeping and working...curious how that happens.
Well I am taking a break right now, to post a little something and I am quite excited about having some time to myself.
Gabe just got back from Indiana, which was really nice.
I was a little lonely w/o him here. I know that sounds so girly, but hey I am a girl.
I hope that everyone out there is having a good week so far. Mine is a little less stressful then past ones have been. I just need a vacation, maybe somewhere like Tahiti would be nice right now. Sandy beaches, pina coladas, and sun-bathing. Sounds like the perfect vaca to me.
My week has been progressing nicely. We shall see if it keeps looking up.
I am ready for the dreary days to end...rain and cloudy skies are no fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i find that the best distraction for the blues is finding something to look forward to... that being said, let us look to the future and to tokyo where we will no doubt compose a badass guide with rockin' photos and fuck all else that leaves us feeling bad about things. 'scuse the language. ;) love ya!