Tuesday, April 18

Working to Much=Sleep Deprivation

So I am not ignoring anyone who has called or emailed me recently. I have been more busy than I think I ever have.
I am working all the time now...I mean I am working to very full days tomorrow and Thursday.
So this is an advance apology to all my friends. Oh and this is also I little FYI for the idiot that thinks my life is sad.
Piss off is all I have to say.

Anyway...I hope that everyone out there had a happy Easter. I had to work (of course) and deal with the rude people who are always out on any holiday.
I don't really have a whole lot to say...I just wanted my friends out in the great wide world to know that I am not purposely not talking to them. Sleep is my best friend right now.

Cheers to everyone out there and hopefully I will be back to normal work hours in a week or so.

Steph I miss you and am insanely jealous that Gabe gets to see you and I don't. What the heck!!!!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I'm looking forward to seeing Gabe, but so sad you aren't able to make it! I need my partner in crime! Hurry and get here soon!