Wednesday, July 26

When Life Happens

My posts seem to not be coming as regularly as they used to. I guess I just don't have a lot to say. Or maybe I do and I don't write it down. Whatever the reason it just happens.
As the title suggests; "Life Happens" Right now Gabe and I are convinced that someone is having fun dealing us bad hands. I don't usually like to complain about this kind of stuff on my blog, but I need to get some venting done.
I am to the point now, that if something else goes wrong I am going to seriously break down.
I still have a job which is just seems that everything else around me is going to the dogs.
Maybe it is time to change locales...or I should just go to Japan now. Hmmm...that actually sounds like a good idea.
Well now that I have vented a little I feel better. (well at least a little)
I have been trying to keep good thoughts but sometimes it isn't all that easy.
So to my friends out there if I do seem a little down, no worries.
I love all of you and hope that this will soon pass.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can't go to japan now!!! we must go together!