Monday, October 9

Is there Anyone out there?

I have decided that I must write really boring posts. No one hardly comments anymore. Serioulsy I have tried to be non-offensive, but I am tempted now to just offend someone just so there is some posting action out there.
I am not a deep philosophical person or I would try writing something like that. If you give me an hour and a couple of beers I could be.
True this did start as an online journal...just sometimes you want peoples feedback. Like for instance are there no UVA fans out there??? I mean come on...rally behind me UVA rocks ( even though they lost their last game).
Or how about this...Bush is not a very good president! I just know someone wants to respond to that one.
This is the only time that I will probably ever mention anything political...if you know me, you know my views.
I know that I have very busy friends out there...I totally understand that. But come on...let me know that you guys are out there. Some of you I don't see very often and the only way I know that you are still with the living is if you email me or post on my blog.
Ok so this is turning into one of my famous rambling rants...I am sorry I have just been feeling a little down lately and seriously...I just wanted to know that I still have peeps out there.
Now I don't want some mean spirited post about me being a loser...b/c frankly I know that I am not.
Ever have those days where you feel invisible well that is me today...that would be why I am posting like this.
I am sure that I will go back to my boring posts about what I did this weekend...or my trip this next summer...but just humour me now.
You know maybe it has something to do with the crappy-ass weather today. I have always felt that the weather affects my moods.
Well whether it is the weather outside or just one of those super special days...I am really a little better after posting.

"For I
That the night
Will be bright
With the gold
of Old
In the inn

Jean-Louis "Pomes all Sizes"


Anonymous said...

We like your blog very much, senorita. We also like UVA American football very much. When they lose their games, the pissed-off fans throw their beers and chips... then we get a buffet.

Cornhusker fans like Henrique don't throw their beers. They just put tomato juice in them. What a bunch of crazy people.

Anonymous said...

I was patrolling the Internets looking for terrorists and I found your site. Let me say a couple things:

First of all... there's a saying... it goes... well... um... it's hard work being the president.

I'm fully aware that stuff ain't going well in the world... like I said, it's hard work. It's my job to protect the American people. Ya' hear that? My job. I was hired by an overwhelming 50.1% of the voting public. That's not a majority, that's a mandate.

Sometimes the so-called "Bill'a Rights" makes protecting the good folk of America difficult. People want to give terrorists a trial where we tell them why we've kept 'em imprisoned for years on end and they want to see evidence! That makes less sense than a bull wearing a skirt during a Texas windstorm. Say this feller' ended up at Gitmo because his neighbor tipped us off. Maybe he's an terrorist or maybe his friend just wants his wife... but that's not important... what is important is that we protect our sources. Using evidence would just embolden our enemies. Understand?

People are also telling me... the Decider... that I can't listen to their phone conversations without Warrant. Warrant? I hate that gall'darn band! How can I hear the secret messages encoded in steamy phone sex when I have "Cherry Pie" blaring in my ears. Think people!

After reading your blog, I realize that the First Amendment might be a little overboard too. "Free" speech? Sounds Commie to me. From now on I'm going to let the Market decide the value of speech. Get ready to pay.

cyser said...

Hi Sweets:

My apologies for being MIA. I wish I had some cool excuse, like being kidnapped by a bunch of militant freelance lingerie models and forced to be their equipment manager, but they won't return my phone calls. So I guess that means I'm just a putz.

Congrats on your promotion. I guess I can't say "Damn the man" because now you are 'Da Man. (Or Da' Woman as the case may be.) Hell, at the rate you're going, you'll be the owner of the place by Friday.

Love 'ya...
Miss 'ya...
I'll email you soon.

ps. Give Gabe a big ol' kiss for me. Make it hot.

Anonymous said...

hey love... i'm always readin' and never sayin much... but i love you
!!! i loved the post for my birthday... i'm so very proud of you and i'll be up this week.