Monday, January 30

Coffee shop blues

So as I sit here in my fav coffee shop...I realize what a crap hole my job can be sometimes.
So right off I need to apologize to Heather...I love you hon but you gotta understand...I know you do.
I am pondering the search for a new job. Now I am really shy about doing this, I know that I can be quite outgoing but only around people that I know really well.
I am feeling down trodden and just generally pissy.
I love working in a coffee shop and that is what I want to continue to do, I just can't do it in Greeley anymore...just can't.
So the quest begins..should I go corporate or independent. I am thinking I am done with the corporate b.s. that I have to go through. I want the freedom that you can get by working for an independent.
I just watching a girl have an interview here at this coffee shop and she got hired on the spot...that should have been me!!!!!!!!
Well...that's ok..I will find one, and it will be better than what I do now. No Fricking Unforms!
Ok I think that I have some issues, but I am slowly coming to terms with this.
Here is my problem and the reason why I haven't left my job yet; I love my co-workers and I don't want to put them in a hard place b/c no one gets hired after I leave. So what I need from my friends is advice...I know that I will getting a new job the next couple monthes to come but I just need a little encouragement.
The little voice in my head tells me to go for it...get a new job, but I would feel guilty leaving my co-workers. SO there is my biggest please hope Laura make a decision. No holds barred people...I want honest opinions.
Just don't tell me what a dumbass I am...I already know that.

Thanx in advance to all my friends.

Friday, January 27

Back with a Vengence

So hello to all my peeps out there. I am sorry that I have been away for so long. Had some serious down time, just work and trying to sleep.
I hope everyone is doing well at the end of this first month of 2006.
I was just in San Antonio visiting the was a nice time was way too short. Hope to go visit them again soon.
Nothing much to report here on the home front. We have been experiencing some strange weather here...warm one day then cold the next. Who knows...GLOBAL WARMING it's real!!!!
Anywho...I am about to convince Gabe that we should go bar hopping has been a long time since I have been too drunk to know any better. Sounds like a plan to me.
It won't happen but one can dream right ;)
It is going to be time soon for the road trip...have been sitting on my can doing nothing for way too long.
So these are just some random thoughts that are running through my head. I just wanted to let everyone know that I was still out there.
Perhaps something of relevance will be posted on Saturday. (My day off!!!!)

Peace to all my friends...have fun for me.

Tuesday, January 17

Still Kickin It

So sorry for the very long absence. I am still here, just very stressed and very busy. I will be leaving on vacation tomorrow for Texas, so hopefully I will be able to get caught up on everything.
I will updating everything so keep an eye out!!!
Love to all my friends and family.


Monday, January 2

Tokyo-Summer 2007

So my plan is to be there for the summer of 2007. I would like to spend a month or two there. I have looked into getting a furnished apartment in Shinjuku through the Sakura House. We shall see how that pans out. I am getting more excited about this, even though it is over a year away. This is a big thing for me, oh and if you didn't know...I am going by myself.
Now before I hear all this uproar about a women traveling by herself...I must tell you this. Tokyo is one of the safest cities in the world...I am not worried about myself, I am only worried about possibly getting lonely.
My friend Les has expressed an interest in going with me, but I haven't heard anything about it lately. I would love for her to come.
So Les if you are reading this, start saving then we can split the cost of the apartment ;) I will be getting my passport next week, that is the first step on this journey of self-discovery. I can let everyone know this now...and since my mom will be reading this, she needs to know as well. This trip is one of two things; a trip that I have been dreaming about, and a possible location to move to. I am prepared for the parental units to call me and object. But I didn't say that I was definately moving there, just scoping it out ;) So there are my reasons of going. That and man do I want to go to some Japanese Clubs!!!!!!!!!
Ok, well enough of my trip chit chat.
When I get more info on what's what I will let all y'all know.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful good to yourselves.
