Monday, February 13


Ok so there are several reasons why I should not be allowed near a computer when I am drunk and the previous post is a good reason. Plus I tend to email people random messages when I am drunk, almost like drunk-dialing but at least don't wake up anyone.
Ok after the hiatus I am once again back.
Work just interfers too much, too often.
Well I hope to have some more pics up on my blog soon...this Friday is going to turn out the be a party so I will have some good ones soon.
Other than that...there is nothing interesting going on here, Gabe and I are going to have a nice day off (when he decides to get outta bed).
Wow...there just isn't anything interesting going on here in Fort Fun, that makes me sad.
My whirlwind life has come to a standstill, but that is ok. Japan is coming up next summer and that is going to be like a 2 month party.
I know a little bit more about what I need to do to get the ball rolling on this little trip. I am getting more and more excited...eventhough it isn't until next summer. But it just can't come soon enough.
Here is a shrine that I am planning on going to. This is a shrine in Nikko, there are several other shrines here. I am hoping to be able to walk to grounds around this area. This is not only a vaca to party in Tokyo at some clubs but also to do some soul-searching. I am hoping to find some answers to my life here in Japan. We shall see...there are many places that I want to go...I am hoping to come back with a better sense of myself and my surroundings. I am hoping that I will be able to do this every couple of years, or just move there...who knows.
Well I have been hanging at the coffee shop for about two is probably time for me to jet.
I wish everyone a great day!


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