Tuesday, July 4


Here I am at work this morning serving coffee to the one person who has come in. I didn't think that it would be busy this morning but this is a little ridiculous.
Oh well...bbqing and fireworks are imminent. Well as long as it doesn't rain here, which is what it is supposed to do.
In life a little rain must fall.
As the day has progressed so has the traffic in the little coffee shop I work in. Some people come in with a smile on their face, and some people look like they want to rip my head off.
I have to admit I was trying my hardest to be friendly, however.....it is a holiday and I don't appreciate being treated like garbage.
Now that that is over and I am at home...things are looking up. Grilling will be happening soon (I hope) It all depends on when Gabe gets up and then goes to the store. I have been waiting for this day simply b/c it is a great excuse to cook out. Not that I ever needed one in college. My old roomate and I used to cookout on a regular basis (as long as the sun was shining, and even sometimes when it wasn't).
Miss those days.
So today as I spark up the grill...I remember the days on North Street in college. For those of you who knew me in college you know what I mean.
Here's to all my friends old and new (and ones I haven't spoken to in years).

HAPPY 4TH!!!!!

1 comment:

cyser said...

Mmmmm... Grill...