Saturday, September 9

Delicate Rain Falling

You would think that I am on vacation again. I have just found the joy in posting again. I love just letting the thoughts tumble out of my brain. Whether people enjoy reading them or not makes no never mind to me.
I am just enjoying a nice afternoon after work...the rain has fallen and the clouds are parting. Such a good day to be out there and alive.
This such day makes me think of a poem that I just read:

hahaso hara
shizuku mo iro ya
mori no shitakusa
aki fukenikeri

Among the great oaks,
even the dewdrops from the leaves
must have changed colors-
for the grasses beneath the trees
show autumn's progress too.

-Lady Kunaikyo (d.1204?)

The changing weather and light crisp air remind me that fall is not that far away. I am enjoying this change in weather and have felt a renewed purpose in life.


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